Whaddup ya'll!!
Today is the last pday in Deming! ( Most likely) Who knows what's going to happen next week for transfers, but man, crazy to think what might take place. The lady next to me just asked me how to scroll haha. We went to Tucson on Saturday (road trip!) and went to one of my comp's doc. appointments and we talked to President and Sister Killpack for a few. Pres. asked me how my Spanish was and sort of joked around about sending me down south...oh boy. Lots of stuff went on this past week, so it's crazy to think what change may happen. 95% sure I'm gone, but alwell, the Lord has a plan!
Soo one of our former investigator's, Ashley, moved back to Deming yesterday! Crazy. Third times the charm haha. We'll probably see her tonight and start teaching her again, even though she's been taught everything, then hopefully dunk her soon!
Orland and April are coming along. They are seriously some of the coolest people in the world. The place they live at is freakin' SKETCH. One day they told us a guy named "Careless" was hiding next door because the Mexican Mafia was coming any minute to take him to Mexico and cut him up and kill him....hmmm...how pleasant. They then told us that the Mafia will shoot anyone they see....awesome! -_- Not sure what happened, but we taught them quick, left, and told them to be on the DL. Crazy. There's also a MJ plant growing outside their place haha.
At Orlando and April's...they always have random stuff going on haha. It was very hot... |
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Saw this this morning. It's a sidu Scorpion I think? Reminds me of my Sister who loves scorpions to death. |
We've been in a lot of contact with a member "Brian" who is a cool guy. He does have some mental struggles, but is such a nice guy. He's been through hell and back a lot, but his foot is remarkably healed this past week after we gave him a blessing and he's walking living it up! He told us, "Because of you guys, I'm coming back to church." Man. So awesome.I went and talked to his neighbor (who's crazy) and I offered her a pic. of Jesus...she declined and started on a rampage about stuff. She said, "If he tries to hurt me, I will kill him." Dead serious too. Brian wouldn't hurt a fly and is such a nice guy. Good ol Deming haha.
While we were in Tucson, I sort of got trunky....for a city haha. Nothing bad against Deming, it's just easier for me to feel the most comfortable when there's a big city and lots of people. While in the Doctor's waiting room, there was a lady sitting in there...so we started talking, and then the doc. called her in too. When they left, Doctor Johnson (who's a member) told me that she was a less active and has been struggling and that our conversation helped her. It's crazy to think how often we're lead by the spirit, especially when we were just talking! Mission work is incredible.
Oh man. Haven't seen a new bmw in toooo long. Thou shalt not covet...thou shalt not covet....:D |
Last night we gave a former invest. a large print BOM whose name is John. We read through Moroni10 and the spirit as there. Oh man. He told us that he had a dream where he felt that God was telling him he needed to do more, so while he read, he really felt that this was his answer. He's a really nice guy, talks non stop like most people in Deming, but is a cool guy and has a good heart.
My bro. might be on MTV.
We lost all our dates yesterday since they didn't come to church, but this next week will a good week for us. Have to finish strong. Should pick up a few more BD's this week. Can only do our best.
The scrips I write home are ones that we used the past week. One I really like is:
D&C 130:19:
"And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come."
We're going to the City of Rocks today with our district and hopefully some more from our zone. We'll be on the look out for rattesnakes and keeping in mind D&C84:72. yup. I must be a missionary.
Well this past week wasn't tooo excited. But next week, all sorts of crap will throw down haha. Excited to see what the Lord has in store and will give it all I've got!
We were hunting down a former in these apartments. This is by far the nicest apartments in all of Deming. I had to get a picture hahah. |
There's absolutely nothing "new" about New Mexico.
Thanks again and again for all the support everyone has. No matter who writes me, I will reply back haha. :D
Stay real ya'll.
Peace homies.
-Elder DJ Hales