Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Week 19 - "Be patient with ourselves."

AAAnnd somehow it's already PDAY again.
This past week was a pretty trippy week (like usual) but the work really is hastening. Ashley left Deming, we took a less active to the hospital last night after talking to Pres., casting out evil spirits (again), but man, this work is crazy.
Got an awesome package from the Green's! Man I miss those guys.
The beginning of last week we went over to Julie's house, a recent investigator whose been an alcoholic for YEARS. She was actually talking to us at Brian's house and she kept tearing up...because she's basically going through...hell. We taught some things about trials and things to comfort her, and then gave her a blessing. I was able to give her that blessing and it was quite the blessing. There were many things that were said that her pains will be gone if she wants them to be, by making the right choices...then out of no where it said something referring to the people she's had to deal with the past SEVEN years...blessings blow my mind. God is incredible. We gave her the blessing and she was tearing up and was so happy afterwards. There's nothing quite like seeing a non-member going through so many struggles feel the spirit. We then went over to her ghost-invested house and blessed it and casted anything not from God out of that place. Julie has been very mad lately and we haven't been able to contact her. She leaves lots of signs up on her door that say "do not disturb" even when we have an appointment....lame.
Motab should do a song featuring Eminem.
Finshing up a morning run yo
Last Wednesday we were invited to a crazy church called the "Living Word Family Church." It was crazy and I was on an exchange with E. Huffcutt who is one of our current ZL's, cool guy. They have "holy ghost parties" and run around like crazy acting like they're taking over by the holy ghost....so weird. The service was kind of like a comedy sketch, and he was a pretty funny guy....but very different. The service usually ends at 8 apparently, but it ended a few minutes early for some odd reason. After hopping on our bikes and headed to our next appointment, we took a pic. of a Deming water tower (no idea why), then we came across Ashley who was walking home with a 6 pack....suck. She hadn't smoked or drinked for days and was still worthy of baptism, but she came up to us excited to see us and said she wasn't sure if she was ready to be baptized because of all that she was going through. She kept talking to us about how hard things are, and she truly had the WORST environment to live in. She had friends stay with her that were big partiers. She teared up and said she missed Todd. I asked her what made her happy when Todd passed away, she said reading the BOM/bible and praying. She promised us (without us asking) that she wouldn't drink that night and that the beer was for her neighbors, she texted us later saying thank you and that she went home, ate something, then went to bed. We prayed somewhere for her to stay since she was getting kicked out of her place soon (thankfully). I called some members asking if they knew anywhere but we couldn't find anywhere. The next morning during studies I asked Heavenly Father to help us find somewhere. Then while we were out walking, Ashley called us saying she was leaving in 45 minutes to go live with her mom. We ran over there and talked to her, shared a message with her (Alma 4:19) and then helped her pack up and she's gone. Missionaries should be headed over there soon. Glad this prayer was answered quickly. Pretty awesome. Hoping for the best for her!
Saying bye to Ashley, for the second and last time.
While walking home to have some lunch, some members from good ol AZ (where I thought I would be serving) came by and asked us if we had lunch...we hadn't, so they took us out! He served his mish in Vegas and she served in Russia. Dang. They were awesome people and were so kind to buy us lunch on their long trip to Florida. Thanks Bro. and Sis. Manning!
We've taught people smoking weed, overdosing on narcotics, chewing tabacco, the WORKS!
Reppin' the LW yo.
Elder Nelson said "Be patient with ourselves" as we are all imperfect people continually striving for perfection. Ain't that the truth.
I found mouse crap by my food with holes in my bread....that mouse is going to be murdered.
One of our former investigators had the most DUI's in New Mexico. Awesome.
We recently taught one of our former 'golden' investigators, Ryan. He basically dropped us. Looong story short, I asked him if God told him he could be with his kids in 15 years would he be okay with it? He said no. It's rough coming out of jail trying to get everything we want all at once. God's timing is so crucial for us to have patience with. If we all knew God's schedule, there would be absolutely no purpose to this life.
One of our BD's just quit smoking! We see her everyday almost (daily nourish) and she is so stoked to get baptized. Although she was overwhelmed yesterday and said she can't afford to pay tithing, she still hasn't smoked. When we went over with a member, we talked about how she should fast from smoking instead of food the coming Sunday. Our member who we were with bought all of the tabacco and cigs she had in her house. AWESOME. hahah I pulled out my wallet and was going to buy whatever I could...but didn't think a missionary should be buying tabacco underage...hahah
Mosiah 3:19
Last night we had a pretty crazy experience. Our good friend Brian, who has severe schizophrenia, bi-polar, depression, and other mental challenges, recently got surgery on his foot like 3 months ago. He called us last night at about 9 saying he got a really bad feeling and that he heard screaming, a window break, and that things were "moving." wtf. We BOOKED it over there, and he could barely walk, and couldn't even hold up the phone. His window was shattered and he was twitching and very delusional....we saw rocks on the ground, so someone threw it through his window. He was sleeping...on his arm he had two narcotic Fendenayl patches on his arm...we found the box and it said take 1 every 72 HOURS. Crap. I called Pres. and he said to take him to the emergency room. Brian's face was puffy, he could barely walk, breathe, and was twitching like crazy. Apparently lots of his pills were gone too....we took him to the hosptital where they hooked him up to the IV and started pumping him full of crap. He had a 103 fever and his heart was beating about 155 beat/minute. The hospital down here is probably the worst I've ever seen. They were SO slow, and were flat out mean. Brian said so too haha. Anyways, his caretaker showed up so we were home by about 10:15....still haven't talked to him since, but hope he's doing okay!
The work is hastening down here, it's awesome to see.
That's all for this time. Love hearing from everyone. Crazy that it's already the last transfer of the week! Next email home things could be very different...or barely change....but we think something's going to be changing. We'll find out this coming Sunday!
Love ya'll! :]
Stay real.
-Elder Hales
D&C 100:4-8

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