Tuesday, March 4, 2014

[Transfers] Week 56 - It's uncle time YO.

Transfers left? 7. Months left? 11. Holy cow. What in the world. 

John Wayne was here. 

We had a baptism on Saturday!! It was for Loretta Mehaffey and it went very smoothly. The morning of we were talking on the phone and she was saying that her day had been really rough so far, but luckily she still had her sights set on baptism. Apparently Loretta was a missionary for another church once upon a time. I was fortunate enough to baptize her and Elder Simpson confirmed her right after the baptism because of the temple dedication that was on Sunday. When our ward mission leader was about to go up and end the baptism, Loretta said, "Wait! Wait! I need to bare my testimony!" haha she's so rad. Suuper awesome. She had definitely been prepared from the hands above. Her Husband gave her a rough time apparently about the baptism and had hung up on us before and wasn't really receptive at all. But he came to the baptism (in his NEW BMW!) and loved the baptism! He was really happy and at the end he said, "You know, you guys are allright." SWEET. Loretta has been having a rough day today and said, "I knew trials would come after my baptism." It's ridiculous how hard satan HAS to work, because God is ALWAYS working harder. We should start teaching Loretta the new member discussions this week and all is good! She rocks. 

Loretta's baptism! It went AWESOME.

Last Monday night to Tuesday night we had the mission-wide "The Day" in which the focus was on extending as many invitations as possible to everyone about getting referrals. "Do you know of anyone.." Woot. I went into an area for "The Day" where the work has been generally slow for quite a while now. We had to go to Tucson for a doc. appointment too, but on our way back we went straight to teaching. The first was with a guy named Marian who was pretty receptive and also accepted a baptism date after teaching the Restoration! We kept working throughout the day and even went onto the Army-post where no open proselyting is aloud. Meh. Whatev. Our dinner was with a part-member family who were awesome. The dinner was great and we also taught them the Restoration and the non-member husband accepted a date flawlessly! BOOM. It was so cool, because he had been coming to church for a couple months now! It's time for baptism. Elder Wardell and I were able to set two BD's that day. It's a blessing to know that the mindset for an area has a huge effect on the progress. 

Exchange with Elder Wardell. We stopped and helped a guy change his tire...he was slightly drunk and told us not to call the cops...slightly awkward. But some members helped out and he accepted a mom and said he'd go to church. Hope he's alright!

I read an awesome scripture. Good thing I don't get trunky. 1COR9:24: "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain." I want a prize for running. I WANT TO RUN.

Our zone always texts each other using #hashtags haha. It's great. #awesome #pointlessonamission

SV #hashtag

Elder Dayley (past comp.) and Sister Hale (Halestorm!) Bringing back a little Deming flashback at MLC

Mosiah 3:7

This past Friday was our monthly Mission Leader Conference. It was so sweet. My favorite meeting no doubt. 

Two days ago was the temple dedication for the Gilbert temple! The dedication was awesome. They didn't really say much at all about the Tucson temple, other than the fact that it was announced.....ONE DAY!

At the Temple Cultural Celebration Saturday night with Laeke. He's been spending a good amount of time studying with us and going out with us as he is making some good changes in his life. You definitely get attached to so many people on your mission.

CONGRATS TO MY SISTER AND BRO-IN-LAW FOR MAKING ME A FUTURE UNCLE!! I was scared I'd be the first to have kids...in like 10 years. So awesome. :]

A package to "Uncle Dallin Hales" from CB....WOOTWOOT!! I looked at it and just thought a random package of random baby crap...but then...it clicked!! So stoked for them! CONGRATS!

Yesterday as part of our annual end of the transfer lunch. We went to a haunted hotel in Bisbee to eat. They let us walk around. It was creepy as. One of the Sisters I overheard saying, "Elder Simpson and Elder Hales are the exact same person!" haha.

Going to miss this kid. Elder Mariluch. He's going to Tucson and is going to KILL it.

This is the Cunningham family that moved up to LAYTON, UTAH yesterday. They are like 10 minutes from my dad's house. Crazy. It was a tiny trailer for all the stuff that was needed.

Today is actually transfers, but Elder Simpson and I are staying for another one. Last night, the Braun and McCue family threw us a party because....we're staying haha. Elder Simpson and I have gotten really close recently because of how similar the things were that we went through growing up. Both of us sort of had some down time last transfer because so many things were brought back. Luckily we're there for support, and our main goal is to be as happy as possible. We're going to reach the BOM in 6 weeks this transfer, so 13 pages a day. Any spare time in the day we have, we'll read it. I felt that I should look for "What makes happiness." I've noticed a difference and am getting back to the way things were. Things are good out here in Sierra Vista!

Elder Simpson's bday! 20!

The song "I'm gonna pop some tags..."just came on in our main office at our apartment....ohh goshhh. 

The joys of eating with a Chilean family.

We also set a goal of no eating out unless with members. Tonight is our meeting with our Stake Presidency about our zone and then tomorrow is our Zone meeting where we'll intro the new zone and train on a few things regarding our areas. 

Sisters...being Sisters haha. Our Sisters rock. Only 1 is getting transferred.

Our zone minus two companionships. Our zone rocks face. Lots of friendships made.

God is Good. The mission rocks. The Gospel blesses lives like no body's business. I love this chance to serve and simply cannot believe how fast time is going by.

Love you all! I have a few letters to write to today. WOOT!

Don't be stupid. Be happy :D

-Elder DJ Hales

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