Man. My adjectives are going downhill pretty quick....awesome.
Well, ah junk. Another week has somehow gone by. This transfer is only 5 weeks total, so there's only a month left! My companion goes home at the end of this transfer too! It does seem like a bit of a load coming on with the big mission events that will be happening, but aye, God makes erry thing possible right? :D
I quickly learned that while we're out staying busy with other missionaries or some administrative things, God always blesses us. Alexa is an investigator whom we've met with 3 times this past week and was a referral while we were working with the new missionaries from last week. Alexa is doing great!
ALMOST accepted a date for baptism, but isn't quite there. The 3 lessons we've had were powerful and she says she'd felt much peace and feels good about it all. Her family is all that supportive, which is probably one of the biggest reasons as to why YSA's don't get baptized...I saw it up at EAC in the Gila Valley, and I've seen it here already. Alexa is moving along and will be at FHE tonight.
From Friday to Saturday,
Elder Dalling and I basically toured the mission. At the beginning of every transfer, we'll meet with the zone leaders from every zone, sit down with them and talk about a few different things such as goals and missionaries, along with blitzing any areas that may need help. Friday we went to St. David, Sierra Vista, and the Gila Valley (it was like a reunion! :D) and then Saturday morning we went out to good ol Deming New Mexico aka Demnation!! Man. It was so good to be back. The blitzes went great and it brought back memories of trying to teach Spanish people. Gift of tongues be upon us! The touring went great and it reeeally helps with getting to know the missionaries around the mission, which is a goal for this transfer. So many missionaries!! While on the tour, we received another referral!
In Deming, NM working some missionaries. We stopped by this home because it's where Todd and Ashley used to live when I served out there. Todd past away a year ago last April. Such great memories and lessons learned in this place. |
The past week,
Elder Teio has been staying with us and being with us as a trio companionship. He's a big 270 Tahitian who is a professional boxer Champion. yeah. He could eat me. He's doing great in lessons! Last night we did splits with members and taught Elizabeth who is another investigator who is slowly coming along. After that we taught
Kayla who is one of the most incredibly solid recent converts out here. She's incredible. She had brain surgery two weeks ago and recovered miraculously! She read the BOM before her baptism and took suuper detailed notes. It's people like that that make you want to become better everyday.
While up in the Gila Valley, we taught a few people with the zl's up there. With only a total of about 5 hours in our area last week, there was some cool moments throughout the mission! A recent convert said "A testimony is only words, without love." Boom. It was great to see some people from old areas.
The Zone Leader's out in St. David! Best housing in the mission. |
There's a lady that just walked into the mission office who's indian.
A recent convert and Elder Mariluch right after a baptism |
Well everyone I know that the church is true. I'm grateful to say that I KNOW this church is true. I can't believe how much time left and haven't even counted how many weeks are left because it's scary :D I'm grateful to be working with God's children. Sometimes you feel like you meet people so they can open your eyes to new things. Wow this church is so incredible.
I love you all!!!
I wish I had an accent.
-Elder D. Joseph Hales
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