Friday, February 6, 2015

Week 104 - Mission Complete

Aaaaand here's the last blog post. It feels like yesterday that this blog was started. I'm grateful to come back and say that I have more knowledge that our Father wants to support us, how to go to work, and how I've been able to become closer to my Savior and know who He is and why He died for us.

Below are some pictures of the last week of my two-year service in the Arizona Tucson Mission as a full-time missionary. The experiences continue to bless my life more than anything.

For another recap, go to my Sister's blog!

One last MLC

President Larsen! An incredible and eye opening Mission Presidency 1st Counselor. Also, a hardcore ASU fan!!

The Passey's made a bday cake!! I miss them so much.

Efe! - such an awesome recent convert

Bringing in new missionaries straight from the airport to the Mormon Battalion!

"Everything good that has happened to me since then I can trace back to the decision I made at that time."
           - President Hinckley

Being home from the mission:

Finally meeting Bentley for first time!

President and Sister Killpack had a huge influence me. So grateful for them and all the missionaries that helped me!

I'm grateful for the gospel that changed me, and for the mission which shaped me.

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